so this morning i heard from craig groeshel at the leadership summit hosted at a flamingo road cooper. some of his thoughts on ministry regarding church were pretty good. some stuff was refreshing, some stuff was different. he basically broke the idea of the "IT" factor down. the IT factor is the special something that people/churches/organizations may have that separates them from the rest. it's not the Holy Spirit because all believers have the HS. there's something different. not sure what that different is, but craig calls the difference, IT.
so here you go...these seem to be some consistent qualities in people/organization when IT is present:
1. focus - less ministries = better ministries
not trying to do a lot of stuff at a mediocre level, rather focusing on what one does well and kicking butt at it
2. opportunities, not obstacles
you find a way when others fail to do so
you realize that you have exactly what you need to accomplish what God wants you to do
3. you have to be willing to fail
failure is often the first step to seeing God and who He is
if you can do it, it doesn't require faith. if it doesn't require faith, you can't see God
4. lead by people who have IT
the leaders of these organizations need to have IT
IT finds it's way out to others and can become contagious - when you have IT inside, it tends to spread outside
and to close...
when it becomes about your church or your organization and not His kingdom, you will lose IT
is he crazy? does he have a point? chime in and let me know.