i know that it's been a while, but it's been a pretty busy ride since we got back from Spring Retreat. Easter came, things changed - pretty much, life happened. all in all, it's bee pretty good with a couple of curve balls here and there. tonight we finished our series at ZEAL entitled colors. we shared about major social issues that have been ignored. personally, i think we walked away more informed and pumped towards involvement and change; both locally and internationally. we collected enough money to help build a well in africa - that in itself is enough to brag about. the cool thing is that the people that we are helping won't ever meet us, we are doing it because it's the right thing to do. also, some of our students have begun a ministry towards helping some of the homeless in miami. as for ZEAL, we too will be joining that work on the last sunday night of every month, especially now that ZEAL is going weekly in may.
may 6th is the next one. next series: Be Noticed. i think it's going to be awesome
anyways, that is what's up. to all you bloggers, make a change where you are. that is your first responsibility for ministry. don't wait for tomorrow, you and i are not promised a tomorrow. act now. work where you are. minister in your reality.
"good things. good things. mazel, mazel."
Along Came Polly
mazel, mazel indeed. i'm looking forward to seeing what we can do in our community... exciting :)
man, I'm happy to hear that ZEAL is going weekly.
I was discussing w/ somebody yesterday that our society takes life for granted. It seems like many of us live for tomorrow and miss many opportunities today. The time for change is now.
"minister in your reality"
thanks for the words p dave!
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