Wednesday, April 23, 2008

who i met and what i've learned so far...

so, right off the top, i was invited to be part of a pretty cool dinner last night. among the new 'friends of dave' are a cool group of people responsible of putting on the CATALYST CONFERENCE, Ed Stetzer (church planting beast and SBC rep - i had to walk behind him to take a pic with him), Allan Hirsch (i think he's a modern day prophet and visionary of the organic/missional church movement), and the purpose driven guru himself, mighty rick warren (as i kissed his forehead, he fell over in uncontrollable laughter).
what i've learned...
christianity - christ = religion (duh, but take a look around, sounds all to familiar)
church the way we are doing it is good for about the 20% of americans that would be open to it (about 12 - 15% actually attend once a month based on stats.)
WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER 80% that don't care??!!! WTF! 
we don't take christ to people - if he's God, then he's already working. our role is to help people interpret these 'religious' experiences through the filter which is christ. this is pretty profound in that most people know that if they want to get closer to god, they would normally go to church. the irony lies in that God is everywhere, whether the church is there or not. so what's he doing? he's prepping the people to meet him through the expression of church - His people and oddly enough, not His building.
meaning, the people in your circles of life, have been waiting for you - God's been working on them before you even got there. how will you engage them to help them understand their experience with the almighty?
the church does not have a mission -- God's mission has the church (missio dei - latin for the mission of God - to reconcile a dead world back to himself by using any means possible, mainly the church (people -- you and i )
how are you involved in this? 
totally psyched because it helps to answer the question of what matters most.
any how, just some tid bits. that's all for now. i believe God's gonna do something amazing in miami soon with our current churches and the ones that are to come! be part of it!
if you are not, consider joining a new effort in your town
what do you think? 


Anonymous said...

Wish I was there this year. Magdy and our friend Van got to have lunch with Neil Cole last year. Organic Church is great and I really want to read The Shape of Things.... Man, as I read your blog I'm excited for what God has prepared for you. We will be praying for you

Rey De Armas said...

gross...purpose driven germs! I'm glad that God is whispering in your ear. Look forward to chatting with you about this.

Anonymous said...

lol...did you just type "WTF"???
Anyway, Adriana was asking me yesterday if I had seen the picture of you kissing Rick Warren. And now I can say that I have. Can't wait to show it to her.

And I am just so excited for everything you're learning and are getting ready to do for God's mission. Alex told me you called him yesterday. I hope we can meet soon and discuss this some more. I have some more questions.

stephsharpe said...

Now I really can't wait to talk to you next week. I'm glad your learning a lot and putting things together. Have a wonderful rest of the trip.

Merari said...

I hope you know what WTF means, lol.

I'm so glad you've been enjoying your time, learning. Can't wait to hear about what you've learned.

Rey De Armas said...

WTF= What's This Foolishness

I got your back Dave

Brigitte said...

awesome picture of you kissing rick warren's head. glorious. i have to agree with rey on the wtf thing too.. pfft. what else would it mean?! :D

Lauren said...

Did you really write WTF??? You threw me off for a bit there. I'm glad to hear that the conference went well. Looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for you and Adri.

Anonymous said...

i'm excited. that's all i have to say.

@heredes said...