Sunday, January 11, 2009

to unisexual family gatherings...

so today i was at a family gathering celebrating the festive 'baby shower' event. the catch was that it was not my direct family, it was family of a family member on my wife's side.

needless to say, i observed a few things that are typical in my culture...good, bad, and ugly.

good - watching family come together is always good

bad - watching divorced family members see each other and sensing the tenseness in the air makes the whole experience just plain weird

ugly - watching grown men participate in stupid games - old men drinking bad booz out of mini kid bottles is just wrong (don't make people do those stupid games, serve the food, get the gifts, and get out)

that's a bit of my cultural experience today.

how is the culture on your side of life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree about that game. lol.
I vow to never make grown men drink beer out of bottles...or make grown women eat melted chocolate from diapers...that's just nasty, lol.

As for culture over here....well, it's certainly not very similar to hispanic culture. It's a whole lot more polite and quiet.