Sunday, February 3, 2008

being credited...

abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness- genesis 15:6

a man who was really to old to have kids is told by God that not only will he have kids, but their will be so many, that it's going to be like the stars in the sky. for believing God, he is credited with righteousness. i know that God does the impossible and i know that God has done the impossible, and yet i still wrestle with doubts. i often think that it's because i try to do it myself and rely on myself instead of Him. i know the right answer, it's the whole putting it into practice part that i can struggle with. i would like to be 'credited unto righteousness.' that would be sweet.

why do you think it's difficult to trust God, even when he's proven himself over and over? let me know.


Rey De Armas said...

I personally have an obsession with knowing answers. This obsession is derived from fear of the unknown. JJ Abrams gave a great speech (check TED talks Podcasts on iTunes) about mystery boxes. His challenge was that sometimes, we don't need to know what's coming next to enjoy it.

Difficulty in trusting God can come from our lack of understanding, or perhaps our selfishness. However, I believe that it is difficult to trust God when we fear other things instead of Him.

Janell said...

because we are prideful beings and feel the need to do things ourselves...i struggle with trusting God for littlest thing but then when i feel ambushed and like there is no way out he's the first i run too..why is that? it's kinda odd that most of us are this way... has been a while... you should come to my small group =)

stephsharpe said...

God has shown His credibility. I think some people think that God will forsake them... but its not true. In our culture, we are so used to being individuals and relying on ourselves it carries into our relationship with God. I love God, its not that i don't trust Him, it's just I've been stuffed with independency that it is difficult to let go. We're not like the Romans who trusted each other as a community, but we're Americans relying on ourselves. We just need to let go of our American patriotism and change it up to Christian patriotism, hehe.